Modern Slavery


Ravenware Ltd (referred to as "the Company") is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains. This Modern Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not occur within our organization and its associated activities. The policy sets out our approach to identifying, preventing, and mitigating any risks related to modern slavery.

Policy Statement

Ravenware Ltd is dedicated to upholding the principles of freedom, dignity, and equality for all individuals. We are opposed to any form of modern slavery, including forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and other violations of human rights. We strive to ensure that our business operations and supply chains are free from such practices.

Policy Objectives

a. Compliance: We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the United Kingdom. We will also support and respect internationally recognized human rights standards.

b. Risk Assessment: We will conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential risks of modern slavery within our organization and supply chains. This assessment will include an evaluation of our business relationships with suppliers, contractors, and business partners.

c. Supplier Engagement: We will promote transparency and ethical conduct among our suppliers and business partners. We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to preventing modern slavery and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

d. Due Diligence: We will implement due diligence procedures to ensure that modern slavery risks are adequately addressed throughout our supply chains. This will include assessing the risks associated with our suppliers and taking appropriate actions to mitigate those risks.

e. Training and Awareness: We will provide training to our employees and management, raising awareness of modern slavery issues, and equipping them with the knowledge and tools to identify and report any potential concerns related to modern slavery.

f. Reporting and Investigation: We will establish effective reporting mechanisms for employees and stakeholders to report any suspected cases of modern slavery. We will promptly investigate any reports and take appropriate actions in response to any substantiated concerns.

g. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continually improving our policies, procedures, and practices to prevent modern slavery. We will review this policy periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with evolving best practices.

Responsibility and Accountability

Ravenware Ltd's management and employees share the responsibility for implementing this Modern Slavery Policy and for upholding our commitment to preventing modern slavery. The Board of Directors has ultimate accountability for ensuring compliance with this policy and will monitor its implementation and effectiveness.

All employees are expected to familiarize themselves with this policy and comply with its provisions. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Communication and Availability

This Modern Slavery Policy will be communicated to all employees and made available on the Company's website. It will also be shared with suppliers, contractors, and business partners, requesting their commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.


This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in addressing the risks of modern slavery. Changes to the policy will be communicated to employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders as appropriate.
